Along with her time on Mythbusters, Jessi appeared on Jay Leno's TV series last year. Taking to Twitter, the former late-night host honored the 36-year-old star. "In memory of the fastest woman on four wheels," he said. "Your memory lives on."
Early on Wednesday, a member of Jessi's team, Terry L. Madden, shared a lengthy and heartbreaking Instagram post, confirming her death.
"So I don't know how to say any of this but it all needs said. I have never loved or been loved by anyone as much as this amazing woman @thejessicombs she was truly my unicorn and I enjoyed every single minute that I had with her," the caption read. "She was the most amazing spirit that I have ever or will ever know. Unfortunately we lost her yesterday in a horrific accident, I was the first one there and trust me we did everything humanly possible to save her!!"